Wednesday, December 3, 2008
First Sunday Service
Due to the nature of the fellowship, Grace consists predominantly of short-term, transient members. Please pray that the Lord would strengthen the fellowship and that attendees would be committed to meeting regularly and serving one another. Also ask the Lord to provide a committed, long-term core group of Christians so that we can see Grace become a permanent flourishing house of God where his name is glorified, a permanent fellowship of the Japanese church and not just of the expat community.
Thanksgiving party
Grace Fellowship had a Thanksgiving celebration on last Saturday (Nov 29). Praise God for the many people that came! About 70 people attended, mostly non-believers!
We enjoyed a turkey dinner, with some delicious home-made pies afterwards. The evening also featured Michael and Miyo giving a presentation where they told the history of Thanksgiving in the US. This was illustrated by a traditional Japanese-style kamishibai, where pictures on a back-lit translucent roll of paper are rolled along to show one frame of the story at a time.
We also enjoyed a time of singing songs of thankfulness to God, lead by the short-term team from Australia. Martin gave a message about what place we give God in our lives, and that we mustn't give him just a single "slice of the pie" but instead put him at the center of all we do and are thankful for.
Join with us in thanking God for all that he has done for us in starting up Grace Fellowship and for bringing so many people to us who do not yet believe.